Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Top 10 things a professional does while jobless

A Professional by definition is a person engaged or qualified in a profession. This person has worked to be called a professional. He has worked to hone his skills which qualify him for the job.

A professional person gets up every morning has a schedule to fulfill. He has places to be, he has tasks to complete. The direction for his day is decided by the amount of work he has to do; the meetings he has to attend; the deadlines he has to achieve. The professional longs for the weekends, he longs for vacations. He longs for the time when he can “smell the roses”.

But when the same professional gets his wish, of being able to smell the roses, what really happens. Is this a boon?

Well, I have been working for the entire stretch of my adult life. I enjoyed the work, but I definitely complained more than once during the working life that I never got a break. That I was working for too long, I was always busy. That I wish I could wake up late, while away all my time doing nothing. That I could walk around the streets during the day soaking in the sun.

So as luck would have it, I did finally get a chance to go on a sort of sabbatical for an indefinite period of time. I was excited. For me this meant late mornings, gourmet breakfasts, lazy lunches, afternoon siestas, long walks, reading up on my technical knowledge, figuring out an alternate profession, writing a-blog-a-day!

Well all sounded wonderful, and I approached my impending “vacation” with all vigor. But it took me less than a fortnight to realize that the work life has spoiled me!! So here is a list of things I – a professional – did on my “vacation”.

  1. Early mornings!!! This turned out as the biggest surprise. I have always loved my sleep, and I had thought that while on leave I would catch up on the sleep which I lost while studying and working. But as it turned out, I had this severe urge to wake up every morning and just sit around while my husband got ready to head off for work. He never insisted, for whatever reason I felt like seeing him off!!

  1. Cereals! Coming from a family of people who love to cook and getting married to someone who is the same, I always gave an excuse for my disinterest in the kitchen by saying that I never got the time to learn. But now, when I did have the time, I convinced myself that I am going to be home alone, how does it matter what I cook. I will stick to cereals! Goodbye gourmet breakfasts!

  1. Doing absolutely nothing! Well this consisted as the biggest activity of my day. There were times when I realized that I haven’t moved from a single spot since hours. While being motionless didn't bother me, the guilt of wasting my day doing nothing did.

  1. Honing my OCD!! Well I do have this incessant need of keeping things clean. But the vacation gave me ample time to make sure I cleaned a surface at least 50 times a day!

  1. Walking in circles – This one is not all that bad. When I started I had thought that I will walk around exploring the area. However, my home was surrounded by the expressways on both sides. So I had to make do by walking around the block. Was a good exercise though.

  1. Re-runs! Well this is nothing to do with the walking. Basically television never interested me. But I really dint have to worry about that since all the time I got to watch television was 3 hours maximum. But since now I had all the time in the world, I did not enrich my television knowledge and I stuck to watching the re-runs of my favorite sitcoms!

  1. Gossip-mongering. Going by my decision of reading up on my favorite topics and writing numerous blogs on the knowledge I collected. However, every time I ventured on the World Wide Web, I landed up reading up about the lives of the celebrities. Sad! I know! But that’s what became as a big habit. Sad!

  1. Cursing the husband. Now the poor guy is working to his limit. I am more than happy to be here for him. But the frustration of sitting home alone, I unfortunately always took it out on him. My punching bag! Awww!

  1. Cursing the government. Well this is again a valid thing to do. I was told on the website, that I would get my work permit (yep life is definitely centered on work) soon – within 90 days. But it did not. For some reason the government slowed down the processing and hence were directly responsible for my sour mood.

  1. F5. All day long, refreshing the page of the status of my work permit was the most important thing to do. God forbid that I don’t see change of status as soon as they (the government) post it. But desperation makes you do funny things!

My vacation did land up being quite different to what I imagined. But all the same, it has been a learning experience.