Monday, June 4, 2012

Whats before New Beginnings?

Few days back I vacated the apartment which had been my home for the last 2.5 yrs.
I went to many places in that time, but I always knew where I will return.

Sure the place wasn't perfect... hell the place wasn't even mine... 
But it was my safe haven. I knew all the imperfections. I knew how to work around them. 

Anyway, nothings ever built to last.
I finally had to tear down all the small little things I had built into the house.. and say goodbye to it. It was a weird feeling. I was sad at times, but with just so many things to do the sadness dint last very long. I was so exhausted when I had to leave the place, that I dint have the time to feel any emotions... 

Now however, a few days have passed. I have traveled half way across the country and I have had the time to think. Now that I realized I don't have my own place to go back to, its somewhat a homeless feeling, if such a thing exists. 

I am going to be living out of a suitcase for a while, well in my case I will be living out of a bunch of suitcases and bags and probably some cartons as well, but the point is the same. I will be travelling to a bunch of cities in between. I will be meeting so many people I will have to say goodbye to, agreed temporary and agreed only for some days. but still I hate goodbyes. 

But this is something I have to do. I have to go on to a different life. 

I am scared. I am petrified of what the future holds for me. I wonder how life turns out on this next step.

But that's what life is. Isn't it!? A new beginning every day. 

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.” Right?


Swapnil said...

I am waiting at this end. Waiting to hold your hand and cover this journey with you.

Tana said...

awww! :)

Prasant Naidu. said...

Don't be afraid of walking on new roads and don't think by standing at a side. You will never know it, life is all about walking on them. so good luck and have fun :)

Tana said...

Thanks Prasant!!