Friday, April 18, 2008

My First Blog

April 18th 2008...

I would like to start with a Question -- what does a blog stand for...?!
Is it just a medium of sharing whats in your mind with the world... if so then a person like me would think... Why on earth would I like to share whats in my mind with the world..!! Why would I want to simply write down all my thoughts on the World Wide Web... n leave it out in the open so that any net savvy person can freely read what i think about... what I think of things or what I wanna do about anything...! Just Like That..!
I wouldn't do that... but yet I am here writing a blog... so clearly it means I am not convinced by the above paragraph!
So what does a Blog stand for...
According to me... its a place where I do write what I think about... but along with that I also have in the back of my mind that the person reading my blog should get a certain image of me... I am not saying that I would write a blog to impress anyone... but there has to be a likability factor!
Till now I know how I would have come off... I re-read the above para and what I thought of me was God am I confused about writing a blog... But thats true... I am confused about this...
At first I always wanted to blog... cos I highly appreciated the people who could open their hearts & minds and write something... but I never joined a spot cos I was too apprehensive about it...
Then one fine day... my best friend joined this blog spot n sent me the link of her first blog... I always knew she was good at writing but did not really knew that she would be this good... that day again I felt that I should also join this site and pour my heart out in the form of a story... or just a simple write up... but I dint... Again the apprehension was too strong & it was successful in stopping me to copy my best friend like I always did :)
Anyway days went by... n I kept a track of her blogs... I also kept reading many other blog spots... one of my fav became Aamir Khans blog... being a crazy fan that I am I started keeping track of his blogs as well... this trend continued for some months I must say...

Finally on the 11th April 2008 I did join this spot... which in it self was a task... n then started pondering on what to write now!

First I thought of writing an About Me page... then discarded it thinking why should I write about myself! That would be height of Narcissism :)

Then I thought of writing about Friendship... as beautiful as it may be... but I just thought... every person writes about friendship... would I really wanna start with that cliche... I am not saying I wouldn't write about it in the coming near or far future... but not now... not today! :)

Then I went home... n I decided I would write about my Home... everyone would associate with that topic... who doesn't love their home... again decided against it... thinking... this is an emotional thing... wouldn't wanna write about it today (in the office)... that will come later!

Going along many topics came to my mind... I started many pages... I gave them titles... then I deleted them... I can say in a Software professionals language that this was a loop that was executed an infinite times :)

Finally I decided I would just let my fingers flow on the keyboard and I just hoped there would be a link between my heart, my mind and my fingers so that the words on this page wouldn't turn out to be gibberish!

Re-reading the page I am sorry to realize that the link I was hoping does not exist after all... & I have successfully written a highly confused blog...

But I wouldn't have expected in a better start...
I hope at some point of time of reading this made you smile even if it was just thinking that "This girl is completely nuts"... chalega!

I would now stop writing just hoping that the next time I blog... I make more sense & give a less confused write up :)

Till then... smile...

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