Monday, April 12, 2010

Bigg changes in life

November 11th, 2008
Life is a series of changes...
Pre-school to school... then to junior college... then to graduation...
Nothing in life is stable... everything changes...
Some of these changes are good... some make you happy.. some are expected and when they don't happen you can be disappointed...
But then there are some changes which are huge... life changing...
They are expected but when they do happen you think to your self... what will happen next...
You can help but think what will be the consequence of this change...
It scares you & at the same time you are excited...

You plan... you put in hard work for "D" day... & then when it comes... I think you go numb and go through the whole process as if you are sleep walking... he he

You meet 100s of new people... you smile at everyone... but a day later (when you regain consciousness :)) you don't remember a single person...

Most crucial time is the time when you are making the preparations... you feel there are a million things to do... then you make a list... n then realise that in reality there are more than a million things if that is humanly possible... and on the day... its guaranteed that you will miss out at least 10things... :)

I have just started to go through this phase... a long road ahead..
Till then... smile :)



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