Monday, April 12, 2010

Dogs - Miracles with Paws

7th February 2009
Before I begin... I would just say... this blog will make sense only to Dog lovers :)... rest will not only find it stupid... but overly emotional :)
I just saw a movie which I know is probably not a big hit… but it will be my favorite for life…
I reached the US exactly 7 days back… I am in a state where I am home sick as hell… and all I can think of is getting back to where I belong…
My friend Gayathri… who has been like one of the biggest support for me here told me yesterday that you should see this movie called “Marley & Me”… she pinged me actually on google talk… I was in office then and I thought yeahh… even I wanna see it… I will once I reach home…
Buuttt by the time I reached home I had another message from Gayathri… it said “Don’t see that movie… the dog dies in the end… its sad”… and then we spoke and we agreed that – I am in the most volatile state of emotions and this movie will be like fuel to the fire… so I thought I will lay off this movie for a while…
The whole day today I was really busy… dint really think of catching a movie… but finally when I did go on-line to look at what to do… I couldn’t control myself… I started watching “Marley & Me”…
The movie starts off really sweetly… how there is this couple… who get a dog as soon as they are married and how their life progresses and the dog is always around… but in the end as I knew it… the dog dies!
Swapnil always said… you love dogs! Why don't you write a blog about dogs… and I never ever knew how I would put the all of my emotions in words… but I am going to try now…
Everyone… anyone who has lost a dog knows what it feels like… I am still crying writing this… but I just wanted to…
I lost my Chiku… it’s been 3 and half years… but I still remember him down to the minutest details…
I remember how he smelled… how he looked at me when I was eating a chocolate and not sharing with him… how he came running at the door when I came home… how he bit me when I was to give him a medicine or a bath… and yeahhh.. How terrified he used to be while having a bath as if he is standing in the middle of a battlefield without a gun... heheh ! The thought still makes me smile... I still remember how petrified he used to be to go to the doctor’s place (God knows how he used to understand that he was to go to a doctor... or he was going to get a bath!!!) … standing with him… holding his hand (paw) while he was getting a shot… I used to feel the pain for him…
A dog is the best way to make you feel like a million bucks… they love you unconditionally… and they make you love them back… they can do anything – chew your fav dress… your notebooks… make you clean their shit… but one look at their face… one lick from your dog will make you forget everything…
I still cry when I think of my baby… but I am sure he is in heaven… like all dogs are…
You can never stop loving your dog… even if he isn’t around anymore… And I know… I will always miss him… But the fear of loosing a dog will never ever make me think think that i will not have one (or maybe more) as a pet... I would like to give the love I gave to my lil puppy to atleast a few more....
Waiting for my puppy to come back to me…
Love always…

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