Monday, March 12, 2012

Golden Age Thinking


I recently saw the movie “Midnight in Paris”. A beautifully made movie draped in love for Paris. I must say in spite of the fact that Woody Allen is considered as one of the best movie makers, I have never been a fan. Maybe it’s the fact that he falls in the category of the artists who makes movies to keep their current muse as the center of their movies. But there is something in this particular movie that attracted me towards it.

I feel that this movie is made on people like me.

Now all of us remember the past. Some of us want to go back to yesterday, some want to go back to the last year. Some of us want to go back to the days of college while some of us want to go back to the day of our first kiss. But we all do remember past. Now there is a bunch of people who want to go back, go way way back into the past and live in the time that they think as the “Golden Age”.

Wishful thinking of going to a Golden Age is nothing but thinking that some different time is better than the current age one is living in. It’s Nostalgia! You hate the time you are living in and land up fantasizing about some era you feel was perfect. You romanticize! When you think of the era you feel like violins are playing softly in the background. The whole era is draped in the most beautiful colors of spring. The whole scenery has the fragrance of the first rain after summer.

What’s more, you feel you will land up meeting your idols from the past. You think you will get to talk to the people, who though not directly, have had an influence on the way you think about everything. Learn more about their lives. Live their lives with them. Become their groupies for all intents and purposes!! Wouldn’t it be just perfect!

Well if you have been nodding your head while reading, you are just like me. Dreamers. Well its no harm to wish to be in a place someplace else, but we have to remember to live the present. How else will you make a day worthy enough to go back to in years to come?!


Swapnil said...
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Swapnil said...

A thought very nicely put... I guess everyone is nostalgic ... I still want to go back into Elvis, Beatles, The Who's concerts :)

Neeti said...

I was smiling through out... perhaps your blog reminded me few golden moments I always rewind and play in my mind... very nicely written, actually made me nostalgic :)

Tana said...

Thanks Neeti... means a lot!
Swappy :)

Mukta said...

Its been always beautiful to remember the Golden Era...and Who said Life is Easy..Its just worth Living it...Nothing Worthy than a cold breeze of memories in Life's tough time...Very Well written Tana..Looking for few more..and yes we all are Dreamers...Dreamers who dream about the Dreams....Good Job!!

Tana said...

Thanks a bunch Pearl :)
Beautiful comment... means so much!

Prasant Naidu. said...

First of all sorry for not replying before you haven't send me the cash to do so ;)(just kidding)
Like it :) the way you have expressed yourself is really great. I would love to go back in time and relive my child hood days with my parents. But then we all know it is good to think and we know it won't be possible. but then who stops us from dreaming.
Good work lady and carry on blogging :)

Lakshya said...

I saw the movie today and it came to my mind that you had posted something about golden age thinking.Must say, it is nicely written. May be you can get it reviewed by some great writer of previous generation :p and yes,Keep blogging !

Tana said...

Thanks Prashant.. your cash will be delivered at your next luncheon meet ;)

Tana said...

Lakshya.. thanks yaa... i wish i could get it reviewed by JRR... but then i suppose he would just dismiss me!! :D